Sai's academic journey: A dual degree pursuit across countries

Student Sai Hossain looking at camera wearing an ANU shirt
Sai Hossain


Meet Sai Hossain, an undergraduate student from the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, who has made the Australian National University (ANU) his home.

Motivated by his fascination with different cultures and a passion for politics and government, Sai took advantage of our unique dual degree program, the Bachelor of Asia Pacific Affairs and a Bachelor of Global Liberal Arts, to travel from Ritsumeikan University (RU) in Japan to gain two bachelor’s degrees over just four years.

The Bachelor of Asia Pacific Affairs from our College helps students develop a deep and rich understanding of the Asia Pacific region, and the Bachelor of Global Liberal Arts from RU equips students with the critical thinking and interdisciplinary skills they need for navigating today's rapidly evolving global landscape.

By embracing this distinctive program, Sai has immersed himself in two distinct education systems, delved deep into Japan's rich traditions and fostered valuable connections within Australia's government and political landscape. The program has also expedited his academic pursuits by leveraging a cross-crediting arrangement between the universities, further facilitated by ANU faculty in Osaka.

Sai's educational journey at the College has been very rewarding. In addition to actively engaging in the stimulating debates and discussions encouraged within his classes, he has been able to achieve multiple honours at the university, such as being a finalist in the 3-minute thesis undergraduate competition and winning the 'Highly Commendable Paper' award at the ANU Student Research Conference 2023.

Living on campus and enjoying ANU vibrant campus life has also contributed to Sai's positive student experience. It has afforded him the opportunity to participate in fun activities, make connections with students from different countries, and cultivate new and lasting friendships.

"ANU and the College's community have not only nurtured my academic growth but have also been a vital part of my thriving journey beyond the classroom". Sai says.

Sai credits the invaluable support from our careers team as the driving force behind his successful placement in an internship with the High Commission of Bangladesh in Canberra and a full-time position at KPMG, one of the world's biggest consulting firms. According to Sai, the team played a significant role in guiding him through the processes of his application, in-person interviews, and online assessments. "Their guidance was instrumental, equipping me with invaluable strategies and insights for securing employment in Australia".

By drawing on the collective strengths of both institutions to cultivate critical thinking skills, regional expertise and cross-cultural competence, students in the dual degree program are well-prepared for a wide range of career opportunities spanning both the public and private sectors, not only in the region but also across the world.

Sai’s positive student experience has led him to call ANU home. "ANU is where I found my true potential and met people I will remember for the rest of my life".

We are excited to see Sai’s future achievements and contributions and applaud his achievements and hard work.

Read more about our dual degree with Ritsumeikan University here.


