Will foreign policy be a factor in the 2020 American presidential election? If so, on what issues and along what themes?

As a leading scholar of the domestic politics of American foreign policy, as well as having extensive experience as a foreign policy advisor to Democratic presidential candidates and State Department officials in the Clinton and Obama administrations, Bruce Jentleson brings a valuable perspective to the current American presidential campaign.

Bruce Jentleson is visiting ANU as the 2020 Des Ball Chair at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre.

Watch the lecture here.


Bruce W. Jentleson is the William Preston Few Professor of Public Policy and Professor of Political Science at Duke University. He also is a Global Fellow of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.

Professor Jentleson has served in a number of US foreign policy positions, most recently as Senior Advisor to the State Department Policy Planning Director (2009-11) and Chair of a Hillary Clinton 2016 foreign policy working group.

In 2015-16 he was the Henry A. Kissinger Chair in Foreign Policy and International Relations at the John W. Kluge Center, Library of Congress.

He received the 2018 American Political Science Association International Security Section Joseph J. Kruzel Award for distinguished public service. He is Co-Director of the Bridging the Gap project promoting greater policy relevance among academics. 

His most recent book is The Peacemakers: Leadership Lessons from 20th Century Statesmanship (W.W. Norton, 2018). His current book is Economic Sanctions: What Everyone Needs to Know (Oxford University Press, 2021).

Recent articles include Right-Sizing American Foreign Policy: A Progressive Approach, (Democracy: Journal of Ideas), That Post-Liberal International Order: Some Core Characteristics (Lawfare), and Geopolitical Globalization: Pluralization of Diplomacy and the Limits on Great Powers’ Power (in progress).

About Professor Desmond Ball AO

In over 40 years’ service at ANU, Professor Des Ball made a remarkable contribution to the university as a scholar, teacher, academic leader, and mentor. 

He was the leading figure in Strategic Studies in Australia of his generation and made a major contribution to global scholarship in a field of vital importance. 

During the Cold War, Professor Ball advised US President Jimmy Carter against nuclear strikes against Soviet targets. At the time, President Carter wrote that "Desmond Ball's counsel and cautionary advice, based on deep research, made a great difference to our collective goal of avoiding nuclear war".

His achievements were recognised in 2013 with the Peter Baume Award, and in 2014 when he was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO).



