Since February 2021, the coordination for education aid in Myanmar has changed. Most aid agencies have resorted to no engagement policy with de facto authorities, resulting in no or very limited engagement with state ministries and education institutions when most of the educational institutions in Myanmar are state-owned. This has come at a time of unprecedented education needs in Myanmar after Covid19 and coup-related chaos. This context sees education aid agencies in Myanmar caught in the challenges of limited funds, limited coordination, and ethical considerations in delivering aid. The role of education aid in Myanmar is challenged in many ways with key areas being outreach, cooperation, and sustainability.

Dr Khaing Phyu Htut will summarise the scenario of education aid in Myanmar including their coping mechanisms and offer preliminary thoughts on aid effectiveness and accountability. Dr Khaing Phyu Htut will also explore with the audience how politics impact education in challenging contexts and how best education can be protected.

About the speaker
Dr Khaing Phyu Htut has been active in Myanmar education sector for more than 20 years. She has worked in various roles at the Ministry of Education, the British Council and Department for International Development (DFID) which is now known as Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). Her current role as the Education Adviser of DFID involves overseeing the UK’s education support to Myanmar which focuses on teacher education, assessment, and marginalised communities. She is in Australia as the inaugural visiting Myanmar fellow of the ANU Myanmar Research Centre and the Myanmar Research Network, University of Melbourne.



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