Geejay Milli

Geejay Milli

Geejay Milli is a PhD student at the Department of Pacific Affairs from Papua New Guinea. Her research focuses on Women’s political representation and participation in Bougainville, specifically on the constitution making process as Bougainville heads towards independence. Prior to her PhD journey, Geejay was a lecturer at the University of Papua New Guinea teaching courses in Political Science.

Research Interest

Geejay's research looks at the case studies of Bougainville and the Motu Koita Assembly with a focus on the participation of women in the political process. Her research area of interests includes politics and elections in Papua New Guinea, women's political participation and representation and the implementation of gender quotas in the Pacific. 

HDR Supervisor/s

Kerryn Baker Anthony Regan Nicole Haley

Thesis Title/Topic

Women, Peace and Security in Papua New Guinea

Expertise Area(s)

Constitutional Law

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