Bo Li

Mr Bo Li

MSc International Political Economy Research (London School of Economics), MSc Economics (University of London)

Bo Li commenced his Ph.D. at Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs in February 2024. His research expertise includes China’s practices, ideas, and norms of global development finance, particularly focusing on the evolving relationship between China’s overseas lending activities and the international development architecture. Prior to his studies at ANU, Bo earned an MSc in International Political Economy (Research) from the London School of Economics & Political Science, and an MSc in Economics with Distinction from the University of London. He has worked as a research assistant at the Institute of World Economics & Politics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), and the Institute of Russian & Mongolian Studies at the Inner Mongolian Academy of Social Sciences. Currently, Bo serves as a research assistant for How China Shapes the International Economic Order, led by A/Professor Amy King.

Research Interest

Bo's doctoral thesis explores China’s role in global sovereign debt management from both historical and normative perspectives. In particular, he hopes to understand how China as an 'immature creditor' interacts with the norms and informal rules established by traditional creditors in this issue area.

HDR Supervisor/s

Amy King Wesley Widmaier Jr

Expertise Area(s)

Political Economy of Sovereign Debt
China's Overseas Development Finance
China's Economic Policy

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