Cynthia Mehboob

Ms Cynthia Mehboob

MRes in Politics, Security, Development (Nottingham)

Cynthia Mehboob is a development practitioner. She has worked in a range of senior roles within the higher education, public, and not-for-profit sectors in Australia and Pakistan. Before starting at the ANU, Cynthia was the Project Lead for Monash Hands on Health; Monash University’s flagship equity and inclusion initiative, which aims to widen tertiary education participation for students from underrepresented backgrounds. She also briefly contributed to Mission Australia’s Communities for Children portfolio and World Vision’s 30-hour famine program in Malaysia. Her most recent role was at the Office of Research and Innovation Services at ANU where she worked as Senior Research Officer. Cynthia’s doctoral research interrogates the complex interplay between human, non-human, and more-than-human elements shaping Australia's approach to digital infrastructure securitisation in its neighbourhood. Her research is particularly focussed on the politics of undersea cables in the Indo-Pacific region.

HDR Supervisor/s

Sarah Logan Nicolas Lemay-Hebert Amanda H A Watson

Thesis Title/Topic

The Coral Sea Cable and Australia's technosecurity politics in the Indo-Pacific.

Expertise Area(s)

International Security Studies
International development
Political Theory and Political Philosophy

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