Ivo Mateus Goncalves da Cruz Fernandes

Mr Ivo Mateus Goncalves da Cruz Fernandes

Ivo commenced his PhD at ANU in 2017. His research project examines Timor-Leste’s history of activism with the focus on the history of student movement, with a working title “Schooling for Revolution: The role of Education in the Struggle for East Timor Independence.” His research interests are history and memory, cultural anthropology, ethnography research, history of student movement, the history of class formation, social impact studies and social movement. He has a Bachelor of Arts (2011), majoring in Development Studies with the thesis entitled “Impact of the Cuban Medical Brigade on Grassroots Healthcare in East Timor.”

Research Interest

  • Contemporary Latin America and Africa
  • Colonialism and nationalism in Southeast Asia

HDR Supervisor/s

James Fox Robert Cribb Sinclair Dinnen

Thesis Title/Topic

Schooling for Revolution: the role of education in the struggle for East Timor’s Independence

Expertise Area(s)

East Timor
student movement

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