Ms Leituala Kuiniselani Tago-Elisara

Leituala Kuiniselani Tago-Elisara

Leituala Kuiniselani Toelupe Tago commenced her PhD with DPA in 2020. She is a regional public servant with extensive leadership experience in the Pacific region. A Sāmoan national, with over 25 years of experience working in Sāmoa and the Pacific region, Leituala’s background is in social policy development and practice. She is also a certified Futurist with expertise in fusing cultural knowledge and strategic foresight in exploring futures. Leituala is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Pacific Affairs of the Australian National University and is currently based in Sāmoa.


Note: other than George Carter, Henry Ivarature, and Stewart Firth, Leituala is also supervised by Roannie Ng Shiu from University of Auckland.

HDR Supervisor/s

George Carter Stewart Firth

Expertise Area(s)

Asia Pacific
Strategic Studies
Social Policy

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