Join us the for the launch of 2019 and 2021 PIES books Kontestasi Nalar Keberagamaan Kontemporer: Dari Konstruksi Identitas Menuju Koeksistensi Sosial, and Terobosan Akademik Australia-Indonesia: Refleksi Antropologis dan Sociologis.
Kontestasi Nalar Keberagamaan Kontemporer will be launched by the Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, HE Penny Williams.
Terobosan Akademik Australia-Indonesia will be launched by the PIES program founder, Professor Emerita Virginia Hooker.
The editor and authors Marzuki Wahid, Abdulloh Fuadi, Rizqa Ahmadi, Wildani Hefni, Win Arifin Listyaningrum, Umi Najikhah Fikriyati, Shinta Dewianty, and Arhanuddin Salim will introduce their chapters and offer reflections, followed by a Q&A.