Recordings now available – State of the Pacific 2022

People on a boat in Papua New Guinea
by PXhere

A Pacific Research Program flagship event, State of the Pacific (SOTP) brought together leading academics, policymakers, community leaders, civil society representatives and other experts to present on, discuss and debate current issues of interest concerning the Pacific Islands region.     

The 2022 State of the Pacific conference was held on 28 and 29 September and considered a range of topics from broad themes that represent the enduring and emerging challenges faced by the Pacific Island countries. Some of the topics featured were climate change, electoral politics, regional security, politics of democracy, regional migration and gender equality.

Session 1: Corruption and anti-corruption reform in the Pacific Islands

Welcome address

Session: Consulting on Bougainville’s political future: both sides of the issue

Domestic politics of climate change

Pacific regional security

PNG elections and the challenge for democracy

A new era of Pacific migration pathways

Pacific masculinities and feminisms: foes or friends?
