Pacific Research Fellowship

Oceanic Diplomacy DPA

The Pacific Research Fellowships are offered through a competitive process to academic researchers from the Pacific for a period of 12-18 months to conduct a program of research and writing at the Australian National University (ANU).

The Fellowships are especially designed to provide established academics with the time and space to write away from busy teaching and administrative schedules at their home institution.

As well as being expected to publish their research in academic forums and publication series by the Department of Pacific Affairs (DPA), the Pacific Research Fellows are required to present their research to academic and policy audiences in Canberra through seminars, conference presentations and briefings.

While based at DPA, Pacific Research Fellows work alongside some of the world’s foremost experts on the Pacific, establishing links and developing collaborative research projects.

I have been enriched by the extended exposure to the daily academic life of ANU and interaction with colleagues. Given the Australian National University’s vibrant research and teaching culture as well as its concern with work-life balance, it has been very enriching. – Dr Orovu Sepoe, Pacific Research Fellow, 2011-12

The Pacific Research Fellowship has given me the opportunity to conduct research and publish articles in peer reviewed journals. The fellowship also allowed me to conduct leadership training workshops for Temotu Provincial Government in Solomon Islands. – Dr Jack Maebuta, Pacific Research Fellow, 2012

Depending on funding availability, Pacific Research Fellowships are offered every one to two years for one to two researchers. Please subscribe to our email list or check our webpage for updates.
