Women in Asia-Pacific Security Research Seminar Series 2020-21

Professor Evelyn Goh awarded an ANU Gender Institute Grant 2020-21 for her project, the 'Women in Asia-Pacific Security Research (WIAPSR) seminar series.

Exceptional research from women academics working in international security will be highlighted in a new seminar series.

Professor Evelyn Goh has been awarded an ANU Gender Institute Grant 2020-21 for her project, the ‘Women in Asia-Pacific Security Research’ (WIAPSR) seminar series. This series showcases the cutting-edge academic research of women scholars in Asia-Pacific security studies, and will bring together researchers from The Australian National University and international scholarly communities working on this important region.

“This initiative aims to promote gender equity by helping to ‘normalise’ the role of women in international security, through regularly exposing key academic audiences to some of the leading scholars and practitioners in international security, who are high-achieving women,” says Professor Goh, from our Strategic and Defence Studies Centre (SDSC).

WIAPSR is an extension of Professor Goh’s 2018-19 ‘ANU Women in International Security’ initiative, which was also jointly supported by the ANU Gender Institute and Strategic and Defence Studies Centre.

The WIAPSR series will feature at least six research events in 2020-21, including webinars by senior scholars, virtual research seminars by ECRs, and Zoom book clubs. All listed below.

The series kicked off on 2 November 2020 with the first webinar tackling the question, “What’s So Special About Asian Security? Dealing with Economics and Institutions”. In supporting the fully-online project, the Gender Institute Management Committee commented that it is “an excellent idea and a creative adaptation to current constraints”.

Events from this series

2 November 2020
Webinar: What’s So Special About Asian Security? Dealing with economics and institutions.

Speakers: Prof Alice D. Ba (University of Delaware); Assoc Prof Elizabeth Thurbon (UNSW); Prof Natasha Hamilton-Hart (University of Auckland)

Webinar reading list

Webinar recording

2 December 2020
Virtual Research Seminar: Posing Problems without Shacking Up: Prospects for a Sino-Russian Alliance and Implications for Asia-Pacific Security.
Speaker: Dr Oriana Skylar Mastro (Stanford)

Webinar reading list

Webinar recording

25 February 2021
Virtual Research Seminar: Power Projection and Deterrence: South China Sea Disputants as Pawns in the U.S.-China Rivalry.
Speakers: Dr Krista Wiegand (University of Tennessee)

February 2021
Zoom Book Club
Speakers: Nominations open

April 2021
Webinar: “What’s So Special About Asia-Pacific Security? Dealing with Non-state Actors and Non-traditional Security.”
Speakers: Prof Helen Nesadurai (Monash Malaysia); Dr Pichamon Yeophantong (UNSW Canberra)

June 2021
Virtual Research Seminar OR Book Manuscript Workshop
Call for papers open! Early Career Researchers preferred

August 2021
Zoom Book Club
Nominations open

October 2021
Virtual Research Seminar OR Book Manuscript Workshop
Call for papers open! Early Career Researchers preferred

Get involved

CALL FOR PAPERS - Please send a title, abstract and very brief bio. We are also able to consider proposals for a Virtual Book Manuscript Workshop, if you have a full draft manuscripts.

We also seek NOMINATIONS of recently-published (2019 onwards) books and their authors, whom we might feature for our Zoom Book Club seminars. Please send a link to the book and a brief (one-paragraph) explanation of why you think it accords with the WIAPSR series aims. We welcome self-nominations by authors.

All proposals and nominations to gradnas@anu.edu.au
