State of the Pacific 2016

State of the Pacific is an annual conference hosted by the Department of Pacific Affairs. A showcase for research on the Pacific region, it brings together academics, policymakers, business leaders, civil society representatives and the media to discuss current research on the Pacific and to explore the vital links between research and policy.
2016 marks the 20th anniversary of the department's establishment and the 70th anniversary of Pacific studies at ANU. Drawing on this unique legacy – seven decades of long-term applied research in and on the region – and the extensive networks of researchers, policymakers and practitioners developed during this period, this conference will explore a range of issues concerning the state, society and governance in Melanesia and the broader Pacific today.
These issues will be explored through four broad themes:
• Pacific regionalism, including the New Pacific Diplomacy
• Social and cultural developments in the Pacific
• The state of democracy in the Pacific
• Political economy trends in the Pacific