Primary Landing Page
Pillars and Shadows Statebuilding as peacebuilding in Solomon Islands
This volume of the Peacebuilding Compared Project examines the sources of the armed conflict and coup in the Solomon Islands before and after the turn of the millennium.
Light Intervention: Lessons from Bougainville
Regan examines the ideal conditions for light international intervention and analyzes the remarkably successful Bougainville peace process.
Policy Making and Implementation Studies from Papua New Guinea
This volume examines the record of policy making and implementation in Papua New Guinea since independence.
Food and Agriculture in Papua New Guinea
Agriculture dominates the rural economy of Papua New Guinea (PNG). Many aspects of agriculture in PNG are described in this data-rich book.
The 2006 Military Takeover in Fiji A Coup to End All Coups?
This book explores the factors behind – and the implications of – the 2006 coup.
Designing performance appraisals assessing needs and designing performance management systems in the public sector
Politics and State Building in Solomon Islands examines a crisis moment in recent Solomon Islands history.
Making Sense of AIDS: Culture, Sexuality, and Power in Melanesia
This collection gathers together stunning and original accounts of the often surprising ways that people make sense of the AIDS epidemic in various parts of Melanesia.
A Time Bomb Lies Buried Fiji’s Road to Independence, 1960-1970
A Time Bomb Lies Buried discusses the debates which took place in Suva and London as well as the politics and processes which led Fiji to independence in 1970 after 96 years of colonial rule.